lower school
The Lower School, at the Audubon Drive Bible Church Campus, educates our K5 - 6th-grade students. It is during these formative years that we introduce the basics of the curriculum, advancing year upon year. Our students concentrate heavily upon language skills, math facts, bible verse memorization, science, history, and the arts.
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Any program or regimen starts with a solid foundation, in order to provide the necessary support for long-term growth. At the Lower School, our students receive an educational footing that promotes long-lasting success for our overall curriculum. But not only do we want to foster growth in the major academic disciplines, we also promote the core principles of the Christian faith, educating not only the minds but also the hearts of our Lower School students.
The study of language is one of most important steps in your child’s education. At LCS, we strive to study language in a way that not only helps our students learn how to communicate clearly, but also enables our students to study God’s Word with precision and accuracy.
Studying mathematics begins with our youngest of students, growing more advanced and rigorous through our Lower School curriculum. This incremental approach to math is the hallmark of the Saxon Math Program. We want our students to grow more comfortable with math by this approach, increasing their confidence and familiarity with mathematical concepts.
As we learn more about God and His creation, science helps our students discover the beauty of the natural world. With foundational introductions into the major areas of science, we want to see our students obtain a better understanding of the world around them.
Our commitment to the Christian Faith is the cornerstone of our Lower School curriculum. Starting in the first grade, our students begin taking Bible courses, supplemented by memorization of scripture. We also conduct weekly chapel services to reinforce our commitment to Christ in all that we do at LCS.
The study of history and of cultures is just part of a social studies program that seeks to introduce our students to humanity at large and how God has worked through different times and places to accomplish His will throughout human history.
Our students will take classes to enrich their learning experience. These classes will include art, music, and physical education. This also includes STEM-focused lessons provided by Central Creativity.
Each student has access to our excellent and growing library as we encourage a love of reading. We also teach students how to use and how to conduct themselves in libraries.
Our 5th and 6th-grade students who academically excel may have an opportunity to take part in our Accelerated Classes. Placement is based on grades, standardized test scores, and teacher recommendations.
Accelerated classes are offered in language, mathematics, and reading.
Learning can take on many forms, based upon the needs of the students and families. Please contact our Lower School office for more information on how we can assist those with special gifts and abilities.