the arts at lcs
We believe that God has created a glorious universe filled with beauty of all forms, and we are thankful that, as beings created in His image, we can also enjoy exploring our own creativity in worship of Him. We want to ignite within our students a passion for the creative process, not only for mere self-expression but as a means of bringing glory to God. The Arts at LCS are thus focused on the development and growth of our students’ God-given gifts in the visual and performing arts.
Our students are able to explore their creativeness through the use of various media including acrylic paints, oil paints, watercolor paints, graphite pencils, charcoal, and India ink. Using these mediums, they compose designs, landscapes, architectural drawings, still life drawings, paintings, etc., with a chance to submit their art in local competitions.
Vocal expression is another artistic element that is part of the LCS experience. Our students enjoy learning how they can make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Both our Upper School and Lower School campuses have music incorporated into the curriculum, as students learn the importance of worshipping God through song.
We organize school plays, both at the Upper School and the Lower School, giving our students an opportunity to perform for their classmates and the local community.
LCS offers our Upper School students an award-winning speech and debate program, which gives participants an opportunity to learn how to persuasively communicate ideas and opinions.
Our student team works on our school annual, attending events during the academic year. Through photography, writing, and design/layout, students learn how to successfully combine these elements to produce the LCS Yearbook.